Australian and New Zealand

College of Veterinary Scientists

Chapter-led Position Statement

The Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists appreciates the scholarly expertise that exists within its Chapters and will support Chapters to develop position statements related to their areas of expertise on ongoing and emergent animal welfare and veterinary issues, driven by quality scientific evidence.

Council will consider supporting a position statement or recommendation on a specific issue when a Chapter or Member submits a request to Council.

Please complete and submit this form for Council approval.

Date submitted(Required)
Name of person completing form
Where we can contact you regarding any queries or updates to your submission.


Supporting Members
Minimum two (2) Chapter Members
Email address

Does the Position Statement have whole of Chapter support?(Required)
Please provide supporting document(s)

300-word limit
100-word limit
200-word limit.
This will appear on the website with a link to the Position Statement or recommendation.
Please use AVJ-style format (e.g. Last Name FN. Title. Edition. Editor Last Name EFN, editor. Publisher, City, 2000)
Indicating Version number and date

Please attach a copy of the invoice, if applicable.
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